06-02-2015, 11:50 PM
It was my own fault for not reading the documentation on QwarksPWDump
"For example, it's not possible to parse Win 2008 NTDS.dit file from XP. In fact, record's checksum are computed in a different manner and database files appear corrupted for API functions."
I just dumped the hashes on using the utility on Windows 7 not on the DC itself, running the same application against the same hash files over Win7, server 2008R2 , and Server 2012R2 gave all different hashes.
"For example, it's not possible to parse Win 2008 NTDS.dit file from XP. In fact, record's checksum are computed in a different manner and database files appear corrupted for API functions."
I just dumped the hashes on using the utility on Windows 7 not on the DC itself, running the same application against the same hash files over Win7, server 2008R2 , and Server 2012R2 gave all different hashes.