Mask Processor Fixed Character Problem
If mask processor is used piped to hashcat using the following...

mp32.exe -1 abcdef9876543210 ?1?1?1?1?1?1z | hashcat-cli32.exe -r sample.rule --stdout passlist.txt >> Rule_Result.txt

The "z" is not included in the output. I have also tried ...

mp32.exe -1 abcdef9876543210 ?1?1?1?1?1?1"z" | hashcat-cli32.exe -r sample.rule --stdout passlist.txt >> Rule_Result.txt
mp32.exe -1 abcdef9876543210 "?1?1?1?1?1?1z" | hashcat-cli32.exe -r sample.rule --stdout passlist.txt >> Rule_Result.txt

Neither of which work as expected for me.

The rule list simple prefixes letters ranging from abcdef9876543210 in 3 character columns in order that the final outcome is 10 characters long. I am only printing to a file now to see if it works as I intend to use this code directly to hashcatplus for WPA. I understood that I should add rules to hashcatplus to get the full benefit of GPU acceleration so this was an attempt to do that.

I just put a character "1" in the password list file to get it working in hashcat to file.

Any suggestions as to what I am doing wrong ?
Thank you.

Messages In This Thread
Mask Processor Fixed Character Problem - by Hash-IT - 11-25-2011, 05:55 PM