Upgrade graphic card on PC, what to buy ?
Hi tacohashcat, thank you, the speed is great for my needs !
The cost it will be lower, it is set to bidding and the highest price will win, but I can agree with the seller since card is with me now for low price since it have problems. 2 6 pin connectors are not problem, my 5870 also use it, power consumption is not problem also, I have a strong PSU that can handle it without peoblems, my main goal is to find a cheap card that can fulfilling the needs. I know and agree with everything you said but 1050 I can only buy new for 140$, and this card if I manage to fix it, will be double cheaper sure, which It suits me very much, and I can sell it later...

Ok card is with me, I notice a problem with left fan, exactly how the salesman said, that he pull harder left fan with hoover when cleaning the card and that problem is since then. 

[Image: 7TZac30.jpg]

See here in videos, it's clearly seen :

[Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IswjobKShP0]

The problem is that I can't believe this card does not have temperature sensors on vram and vrm !

[Image: zXYcn9v.png]

It only show a cpu there is no Gpu temp #2 and #3 for vram and vrm like I have on my 5870.
Yes and I check all is marked, but it simply does not have it.

[Image: 99rI42v.png]

So the temperature in idle is with 20% fan speed below 30 degrees. Which is ok, but problem is that I can't see other temperatures, I don't try yet to full load it.
I think that this card is 100% ok it is like new, the problem is temperature in full load for sure since this left fan badly working.
I want to give it demanding jobs to do, but I can't see all of the temperature, what to do ?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Upgrade graphic card on PC, what to buy ? - by Vidramon - 09-19-2017, 05:21 PM