Integer overflow detected in keyspace of mask
2501 and 16801 hash modes are designed to verify (pre-)calculated PMKs. Latest hashcat use this modes to detect already recovered passwords, by testing the hash against the PMK (take a look at new hashcat potfile format: PMK : ESSID : PSK).

It doesn't make sense to try to recover a PMK by a mask.

Captured WPA1/2 hashes (EAPOL and PMKID) are not static. They depend on AP and CLIENT values like MAC and NONCE. Some of them change from connect attempt to connect attempt (NONCE). While the PMK is unique for a WPA1/2 network (unless the PSK doesn't change) old md5_64 and PMKID aren't. This is the reason for the new potfile format!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Integer overflow detected in keyspace of mask - by ZerBea - 04-28-2019, 11:37 AM