Looking to rent GPU Server 4 hashcat.
"hour how much time would i need on 10x 1080... for 8 char ?a or 10 ?a brute"

Let's calculate this:

Hashcat supports these:
-m 11300 = Bitcoin/Litecoin wallet.dat
-m 12700 = Blockchain, My Wallet, $blockchain$...
-m 15200 = Blockchain, My Wallet, V2, $blockchain$v2$...
-m 15600 = Ethereum Wallet, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256 $ethereum$p*...
-m 15700 = Ethereum Wallet, SCRYPT
-m 16300 = Ethereum Pre-Sale Wallet, PBKDF2-HMAC-SHA256
-m 16600 = Electrum Wallet (Salt-Type 1-3)
-m 18800 = Blockchain, My Wallet, Second Password (SHA256), (base64 output of btcrecover for blockchain 2nd pass)

You didn't mention which you use, so for your sake I will assume the fastest one. (from benchmarks this seems to be the Blockchain, My Wallet).

For the Nvidia GTX 1080 Ti (stock) this is about 72361.2 kH/s (https://gist.github.com/epixoip/973da735...7527e4d073).

Let's be generous and multiply it by 10 and round it up significantly. So we are working with 730000 kH/s.

Now calculate how many possibilities there are in "8 char ?a or 10 ?a brute":

?a = abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789 !"#$%&'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\]^_`{|}~
This is 95 possible chars. 8 positions is 95^8 and 10 is 95^10.

95^8 = 6634204312890625
95^10 = 59873693923837890625

6634204312890625 / 730000 kH/s = 9087951113 seconds = 288 years
59873693923837890625 / 730000 kH/s = 82018758799777 seconds = 2601 million years

I'm going to assume you don't want to wait 2601 million years but do want to spend 288 years. So let's find how much it will cost for hostkey.com @ 4x gtx 1080 for $310 a month. I got a good deal so I get 10x gtx 1080 for the price of $775.

9087951113 seconds @ $775 a month = $2679950 = 2.6 million dollars and 288 years.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Looking to rent GPU Server 4 hashcat. - by DanielG - 07-12-2019, 11:10 AM