02-08-2012, 04:34 PM
I have double-checked on my GPU. It seems that attacks with uppercase and numbers work fine. It gave a problem with a password containing a ! at the end. Here was my command line:
I can provide the exact hash if you need it. The password was 14 characters long. By the way, in your example, it was not very efficient to use ?l for this algo. However it proves that OclHashcat-lite treats it efficiently as an uppercase. If a user puts ?l?u in the command line, will it double the keyspace searched or it will just use the equivalent of ?u by default?
Cudahashcat-lite64.exe -d 1,3,4 --session=1 -m 3000 --pw-min=1 --pw-max=7 -o found1.txt EAxAEEx23x905x72x15xA0xCxD87x4xC -1 ?d?u -2 ?s?d?u ?1?1?1?1?1?1?2