New Attack-Mode: Association Attack
Can confirm that on optimized kernels I get erros as well
clEnqueueWriteBuffer(): CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES
clWaitForEvents(): CL_UNKNOWN_ERROR
clEnqueueReadBuffer(): CL_OUT_OF_RESOURCES

This wouldn't be a problem but -m 2711 doesn't have a pure kernel only optimized.
Is there a fix for it or does it have to do on how you build hashcat ? 

msys build < error
wsl build < error

Messages In This Thread
New Attack-Mode: Association Attack - by atom - 09-29-2020, 03:59 PM
RE: New Attack-Mode: Association Attack - by atom - 09-29-2020, 04:03 PM
RE: New Attack-Mode: Association Attack - by atom - 09-30-2020, 12:11 PM
RE: New Attack-Mode: Association Attack - by atom - 09-30-2020, 12:13 PM
RE: New Attack-Mode: Association Attack - by atom - 09-30-2020, 12:16 PM
RE: New Attack-Mode: Association Attack - by atom - 09-30-2020, 02:35 PM
RE: New Attack-Mode: Association Attack - by atom - 09-30-2020, 12:17 PM
RE: New Attack-Mode: Association Attack - by asaj2kk - 02-11-2021, 12:48 AM