Install Oclhashcat 0.25 w/multiple HD 5970's Linux
all right, first of all. it is 100% known to work on linux. also multiple hd5970's Smile so its just an installation problem somehow. ubuntu 10.04 might be a problem. some users reported 2nd gpu does not work but also other users reported it works. its hard to say. i use ubuntu 10.10 and it defenitly works. but first start with installing cat 11.1. it is not important but it is a start. then check out this:

the important section in the document is 2.2.4 which says to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH which is one of the most important things to do. after you perform this step, you should verify it. do "ldd oclHashcat64.bin" and check out if the path is the correct one. it should say something like: => /root/ati-stream-sdk-v2.3-lnx64/lib/x86_64/ (0x00007fca0e6b4000)

check out that the path is the correct one to the unpacked SDK v2.3. not something in /usr/local/...

also important is section 2.2.5 talking about the ICD registration. but if oclHashcat already found 1 GPU on your system you have already passed this step.

now check out this post:

it helped me a lot in the beginning. there is a diffrence of how you access your computer. is it local or remote via ssh? if its from local X, its more easy.

lets add some more things:

1. make sure you do: export DISPLAY=:0
2. after oclHashcat found all gpu, make sure your left mask is big enough
3. play with -n values. 8,40,80,160,800 are known to work good. sometimes its faster if you use lower numbers
4. if it still does not work come to our IRC channel.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Install Oclhashcat 0.25 w/multiple HD 5970's Linux - by atom - 02-12-2011, 09:00 AM