WPA handshake messages clarification
I need a clarification on which messages of the WPA handshake are necessary to obtain a clean hccap file.
Using the "WPA Clean and Convert Script" I've noticed that when all 4 EAPOL messages are present, only the first two (1/1 and 1/2) are saved to the .cap file in the CleanCaps directory, so I've supposed that only that 2 are the ones required by oclHashcat. Then I've seen that sometimes when the message 2/4 is missing from the original cap file, the script succeed and in the CleanCap file there is only the message 1/2 and 4/4.
So I would like to know which of the four messages are actually necessary to obtain an useful hccap file for oclhashcat.

Messages In This Thread
WPA handshake messages clarification - by simgunz - 04-22-2014, 06:44 PM