Issue with custom rules
I'm new to oclhashcat and I'm currently having an issue with the rules. since a combinator attack is limited to two dictionaries, I've had to implement rules to help me test a password.

The password I am looking to crack is testbanana123, no capitals. The dictionaries only contain 3 words, for testing. They are identical but they both contain "test" and "banana"

I used maskprocessor to create a rules file containing on separate lines from $0 $0 $0 to $9 $9 $9. I then verified my understanding that I was creating the rules properly by using hashcat-cli stdout (since oclhashcat doesn't have an equivalent). hashcat-cli command is as follows:

hashcat-cli64.exe -m xxxx -r rules/xxx.rule hash.txt dictionary1.txt dictionary2.txt -stdout

It output a lot of passwords, including my test password.

My final oclhashcat command:
oclhashcat64.exe -m xxxx -r rules/xxx.rule hash.txt dictionary1.txt dictionary2.txt

My final oclhashcat command, however, did not find the correct password, exhausting the list.

So what am I doing wrong or not understanding?

Messages In This Thread
Issue with custom rules - by mokahless - 06-29-2015, 04:21 AM
RE: Issue with custom rules - by epixoip - 06-29-2015, 04:57 AM
RE: Issue with custom rules - by mokahless - 06-29-2015, 07:29 AM
RE: Issue with custom rules - by epixoip - 06-29-2015, 08:13 AM