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Full Version: How hashcat 6.2.6 load a big dictionary faster
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my dictionary 60GB ,hashcat load very slow everytime. how can i do to make it faster
does it do the "Dictionary cache rebuilding" every time, even if the file has not changed?
(09-19-2022, 07:09 AM)royce Wrote: [ -> ]does it do the "Dictionary cache rebuilding" every time, even if the file has not changed?
Let me have try,it too big to load ,it is take abou 30minute to load
(09-19-2022, 07:09 AM)royce Wrote: [ -> ]does it do the "Dictionary cache rebuilding" every time, even if the file has not changed?
how can  edit the dictionary cache file by myself? where is cache file?
(09-19-2022, 07:09 AM)royce Wrote: [ -> ]does it do the "Dictionary cache rebuilding" every time, even if the file has not changed?

Yes,I've tried. Dictionary cache rebuilding every time, the file has not changed.
Please ensure that hashcat.dictstat2 file is still there, after first cache build.

If no such file (moved/deleted/renamed/..) , no cache hit.
(09-20-2022, 12:32 AM)liget Wrote: [ -> ]Please ensure that hashcat.dictstat2 file is still there, after first cache build.

If no such file (moved/deleted/renamed/..) , no cache hit.
hashcat.dictstat2  is still there and it modify time is new. path has unicode word in it ,does it matter?
Yes, this could be a problem as hashcat checks modification times.

If the mtime was modified but no real changes in the dictionary file, consider this:
(09-20-2022, 12:47 PM)liget Wrote: [ -> ]Yes, this could be a problem as hashcat checks modification times.

If the mtime was modified but no real changes in the dictionary file, consider this:
Thanks for your help  ,but  my oper system is win10
If you can compile hashcat, insert “ d.stat.st_mtime = 0;” here:
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