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Full Version: hashcat cmd line needed to brute force old lost wallet
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Hello everyone i have a wallet with 1BTC that i havent used since 2021, i have the wallet.dat but didnt save the seed and dont remember the password(i know i know dont flame me), ive been trying btcrecover and hashcat and its not cracking the password, what hashcat command line can i use for it to search a wide array of characters and numbers as i cant think of what password i would of used then. thanks for all the help.
Do you know any information, such as:
- How long-ish the password was
- If it was humanly or randomly generated
- If you could have reused one of your previous passwords or a variation of one of them
- Vague ideas of any characters that were included or excluded like "I used lowercase and uppercase but not digits or symbols" etc
- Any parts of the password, such as "It started with Luke and I think it ended in some numbers" etc
This, and any other information you can think of will be helpful in the cracking process
(07-22-2024, 01:48 PM)penguinkeeper Wrote: [ -> ]Do you know any information, such as:
- How long-ish the password was
- If it was humanly or randomly generated
- If you could have reused one of your previous passwords or a variation of one of them
- Vague ideas of any characters that were included or excluded like "I used lowercase and uppercase but not digits or symbols" etc
- Any parts of the password, such as "It started with Luke and I think it ended in some numbers" etc
This, and any other information you can think of will be helpful in the cracking process

cant think of anything this is why i was asking for all possible combos and have it run for days until it found it, i created it back in 2013
The problem with brute force with bitcoin wallets is that bitcoin wallets are very slow so it's generally preferred not to use them unless you know some very exploitable information like the questions I wrote above. Try wordlists instead, for example, Hashmob's full wordlist:
If that fails and you don't get "Status.....: Cracked", then you can add in some rules like the included best64 rule.
Example command without rules (do this first)
hashcat -m 11300 YourHash.txt hashmob.net_2024-07-21.found
Example command with rules (do this second)
hashcat -m 11300 YourHash.txt hashmob.net_2024-07-21.found -r rules/best64.rule

There is no guaranteed way/silver bullet for cracking hashes. You just have to cross your fingers and hope for the best
(07-22-2024, 10:16 PM)penguinkeeper Wrote: [ -> ]The problem with brute force with bitcoin wallets is that bitcoin wallets are very slow so it's generally preferred not to use them unless you know some very exploitable information like the questions I wrote above. Try wordlists instead, for example, Hashmob's full wordlist:
If that fails and you don't get "Status.....: Cracked", then you can add in some rules like the included best64 rule.
Example command without rules (do this first)
hashcat -m 11300 YourHash.txt hashmob.net_2024-07-21.found
Example command with rules (do this second)
hashcat -m 11300 YourHash.txt hashmob.net_2024-07-21.found -r rules/best64.rule

There is no guaranteed way/silver bullet for cracking hashes. You just have to cross your fingers and hope for the best

thnk you i will try this now, what does rule 64 do?
Rules manipulate candidate passwords, such as uppercasing, lowercasing, adding a 1 to the end etc. "best64.rule" is just one of the included ones
(07-23-2024, 02:09 AM)penguinkeeper Wrote: [ -> ]Rules manipulate candidate passwords, such as uppercasing, lowercasing, adding a 1 to the end etc. "best64.rule" is just one of the included ones

running that one with rule64, says it will take 65 days anyway to speed it up is it only using cpu?
As I said, I recommend not running it with rules first and instead just running the wordlist normally, without. It'll probably take about a day to finish but there's no guarantee of a crack
(07-23-2024, 02:34 AM)penguinkeeper Wrote: [ -> ]As I said, I recommend not running it with rules first and instead just running the wordlist normally, without. It'll probably take about a day to finish but there's no guarantee of a crack

anyway you know to speed it up? using msi afterburner?
The bitcoin wallet algorithm is just simply very slow. Getting a better GPU would help and adding in the CPU may help a small fraction but it likely won't make a noticeable impact. The algorithm is simply slow, intentionally
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