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Full Version: oclHashcat will not run via SSH
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I have installed the latest version of oclHashcat (1.01) with Catalyst 13.12 on a Ubuntu system. Everything works fine on the system in which I installed it but if I try to ssh into the box and then run oclHashcat, I get the following: ERROR: clGetDeviceIDs() -1. I am using the same command to crack ntlm hashes that runs fine if ssh is not used. Any idea what changes need to be made? I am using a HD 6670. Thanks in advance.
You should check if you did everything like described in the howto installation guide: https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=linux_server_howto

The main problem might be that you didn't run:
$ xhost +
in a session where X11 is running (for instance not over ssh).
You should add that command as suggested in the guide to the startup s.t. you don't need to run it manually each and every time.
Thanks that did it.