Hello there
Im a new user on hashcat.
All new for me
I have some question for begin
I have succesfull find password on #1
But i have another to find.
My question was simple.
I wanna using all of my cpu I5 intel with nvidia video card.
I have 10 gig ram too.
Windows 10 x64
I need something faster .. im waiting ffor 4 day 5 hours to scan ..
CudaHashcat64 -m 2500 handshake1.hccap biglist.lst
-how i can using all cpu to scan faster

Or change my commande to be more fast
That must be a pretty big list or else your GPU is very slow. What is it? How many hashes per second (H/s)?
You could add -n and -u values but that will only make a small % difference.
You need to provide more info on CPU and GPU to answer this one properly.
(09-18-2015, 01:37 PM)rico Wrote: [ -> ]That must be a pretty big list or else your GPU is very slow. What is it? How many hashes per second (H/s)?
You could add -n and -u values but that will only make a small % difference.
You need to provide more info on CPU and GPU to answer this one properly.
Device #1: GeForce GTX 660, 2048MB, 1084Mhz, 5MCU
CPU INTEL i5 Intel Core i5 4670k CPU AT 3.40 Ghz 3.40 Ghz
For CPU:
hashcat-cli64 -m 2500 -b
For GPU:
cudaHashcat64 -m 2500 -b
Look at the hash rate to figure out how fast each is. Then possibly
take a look here if you want to try using both CPU and GPU at the same time.
hashcat-cli64 -m 2500 -b
i dont have cli64
(09-18-2015, 04:52 PM)egoetek Wrote: [ -> ]hashcat-cli64 -m 2500 -b
i dont have cli64
then you don't have hashcat
(09-18-2015, 04:58 PM)rico Wrote: [ -> ] (09-18-2015, 04:52 PM)egoetek Wrote: [ -> ]hashcat-cli64 -m 2500 -b
i dont have cli64
then you don't have hashcat
im using cuda all the time ..
yes i have it :O
(09-18-2015, 10:55 PM)rico Wrote: [ -> ]http://hashcat.net/hashcat/
hello, by the way, the best way is to used GPU instaed of CPU ?
A smal interesting config could be both SLi GPU Nvidia GTX version ???
(09-19-2015, 07:27 PM)jimbo Wrote: [ -> ] (09-18-2015, 10:55 PM)rico Wrote: [ -> ]http://hashcat.net/hashcat/
hello, by the way, the best way is to used GPU instaed of CPU ?
A smal interesting config could be both SLi GPU Nvidia GTX version ???
Yes, GPU is much, much faster than CPU.
You can use as many Radeons or GTXs as you can power and fit in a motherboard but DO NOT USE SLI/CROSSFIRE. Games may need SLI to use more than one GPU but oclHashcat does not. It prefers to manage the GPU resources itself.