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Full Version: Rookie question on masks
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I am working on getting familiar with hashcat and wanted to start by decrypting the WPA2 key of my own router. It's a 16 digit key, say 1234567890123456.

I started hc like this:
hashcat64 -m 2500 -w 3 --status --restore-disable -a 3 handshake.hccap 1234567890?d?d?d?d?d?d
i.e. I provided the first ten PSK digits and had hc work on the rest. Program starts up fine, reports the SSID to be targeted, but finishes after 10 seconds with status 'Exhausted', though it seems to have iterated over the correct values. At least there's an intermediary status message like 'Candidates #1: 1234567890555555 -> 1234567890955555.

Please help me find my mistake
(12-22-2016, 12:11 AM)rico Wrote: [ -> ]Bad cap. Try again.


Thanks, you were right! At least my understanding of the mask was correct