hashcat Forum

Full Version: Hashcat for iOS 11 beta 6
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Need help to use Hashcat for iOS 11
Please suggest
exactly what help do you need?
iTunes encrypted my backup and I did not assign a password so need to crack the password
you need the manifest.plist and to then use itunes_backup2hashcat.pl to extract the hash which can then be fed into hashcat.

There are plenty of threads on the forum that you can find using the search as well as online guides from other websites if you google it to step you through the process
Unable to find anything around iOS 11
Can you please share some
I extracted the hexadecimal code from manifest.plist but Hashcat says no hash’s found
How does the output from script compare to the example hashes?

Shall compare tonight and share
(08-31-2017, 12:30 AM)chandanver Wrote: [ -> ]Shall compare tonight and share

You can't post hashes on the forum so just see for yourself whether the format fits.