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Full Version: AMD Catalyst 11.12
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Hello to all friends of AMD Catalyst,

today is a very good day! With the release of Catalyst 11.12 finally the 100% CPU bug on windows is history.

From oclHashcat* view, I strongly recommend upgrading.

Happy cracking!

I forgot another nice thing. With SDK 2.6, the hd6990 is officially supported.
happy days!
is it recommended for both linux and windows?
Hi Atom,

after update to Catalyst 11.12 from previous version 11.11 (Windows 7 64-bit) using same CMD line and same hashcat-lite 0.08 my two crossfired GPUs EAH5870 not work at 98-99%. On previous version 11.11 it was fixed with additional line "--restore-timer=30", but now it doesnt work. Same when i remove "--restore-time=30" or change number to 60.


my cmd line:
oclHashcat-lite64.exe -m 1900 -n 160 -1 00010203040506070809 --restore-timer=30 --outfile-format=1 --outfile=356268044596008_COD.txt 0F1FD8896C7DCF6B0A2C5328F3CE5DB9EC36A48B:003562680445960000 ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1

BTW: CPU usage is fixed!
(12-14-2011, 12:01 PM)mobilpc Wrote: [ -> ]after update to Catalyst 11.12 from previous version 11.11 (Windows 7 64-bit) using same CMD line and same hashcat-lite 0.08 my two crossfired GPUs EAH5870 not work at 98-99%. On previous version 11.11 it was fixed with additional line "--restore-timer=30", but now it doesnt work. Same when i remove "--restore-time=30" or change number to 60.

Same issue here. I'm using a combination for 5870 and 5850, both cards were runinng at 98-99% on 11.11a drivers while after update to 11.12 they stuck between 90 and 92% each. Bugfix after so many months is welcomed, but it's noticeably slower. Wonder if you'd have to wait for AMD to patch it again or maybe it can be done on software side.

mine is running at 99% on both linux and windows. so yes, its recommended for both systems.
(12-15-2011, 03:42 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]mine is running at 99% on both linux and windows. so yes, its recommended for both systems.

hi, it seems it was caused by software "yawcam". I am using this computer also as security recorder and monitor. After deleting old records the speed is back at 99%

sorry, anyway thanx for your time and hard work!
Weird since i don't have such software installed and had that issue as well. Even went back to 11.11c drivers and both GPUs are utilized at 99%. I'll try to wipe my AMD drivers again once the cracking finishes and install 11.12 on clean OS after that to see if it changes.
Any update on how the 11.12 driver works with 5870s? I don't want to "upgrade" if it's going to slow me down.
on my 5850 the speed is about the same, but more likely +1% than -1%.
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