I try 2 different router handshake with hashcat using amd rx480 card. What make me confused is one of the handshake I can get 220Mh/s per card and another handshake I can only get 220Kh/s, Anyone encounter this?
Both handshake used with same rig.
well, hccapx files as you can see here
https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=hccapx can consist of several networks/handshakes etc. if you crack several networks at the same time with -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2 with multiple ESSID/networks ("salts"), the estimated time will of course multiply by the number of different "hashes" (or more correctly: salts/networks/essids).
Therefore I would suggest to analyze the hccapx file and also look at the status display (hitting "s" in hashcat): it should say Recovered x/y and salts z/k where these values indicate how many "hashes" and different "networks" are being cracked at the same time.
(01-15-2019, 07:05 PM)philsmd Wrote: [ -> ]well, hccapx files as you can see here https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=hccapx can consist of several networks/handshakes etc. if you crack several networks at the same time with -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2 with multiple ESSID/networks ("salts"), the estimated time will of course multiply by the number of different "hashes" (or more correctly: salts/networks/essids).
Therefore I would suggest to analyze the hccapx file and also look at the status display (hitting "s" in hashcat): it should say Recovered x/y and salts z/k where these values indicate how many "hashes" and different "networks" are being cracked at the same time.
Is that mean the more handshake I capture the less time to crack the password?
Quote:Is that mean the more handshake I capture the less time to crack the password?
The opposite. The more you have for different SSID's the more you increase your work load.
(01-17-2019, 01:22 AM)slyexe Wrote: [ -> ]Quote:Is that mean the more handshake I capture the less time to crack the password?
The opposite. The more you have for different SSID's the more you increase your work load.
Sorry im not talking about ssid(router), im saying the more clients handshake the less time used to crack right?