hashcat Forum

Full Version: SHA-256 64 char password
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Hi there, my name is Lok, and i'm not a english native speaker, so i will ask for patience with my english in advance :p

I've just recently downloaded the hashcat newest version and i'm struggling with this task
i need to crack a password that's 64 characters long and was hashed with SHA-256
i know for a fact that it is 64 characters long, so i think to "tell" that to hashcat would make it calculate faster
also the possible characters are digits and lowercase

how should i configure the commandline for hashcat to crack it?
infeasible. (26+10) ^ 64 = 4011991914547630480065053387702443812690402487741812225955731622655455723258857248542161222254985216
Why are you sure it's 64 chars? You generated it?