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Integer overflow detected while brute forcing - Printable Version

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RE: Integer overflow detected while brute forcing - epixoip - 05-24-2017

First, stop begging me to call you. I'm not going to call you or speak to you in private, I have no use for your words.

My problem, Kristoffer, is that you came out of nowhere and started posting over on the Hashkiller forums advertising that your company is selling Hashcat rigs, but you are not a part of the password cracking community, nor have you contributed anything to the password cracking community. You just registered on Hashcat forums today, and Hashkiller forums two days ago, for the sole purpose of peddling your wares and bolstering your post count to give the appearance that you are part of this community. And from the few posts you've made so far, it is abundantly clear that you have nowhere near the knowledge of Hashcat required to support it in a commercial setting, and quite possibly zero experience with password cracking as well. In fact, it looks like you're a cryptocurrency miner who has (only very recently) built just two rigs, so this is a niche which you surely know nothing about.

Digging into your background, trying to figure out who the fuck you are and where the fuck you came from, it is obvious that money is your sole motivation for selling Hashcat rigs. You have no love for Hashcat, nor any passion for password cracking. Worse than that, you're offering products that you know nothing about and can't possibly support at an unjustified premium, with absolutely no value-add. You're a charlatan of the same caliber as the SL3 scum that we chased out of our community years ago, and I have absolutely no respect for what you are doing.

Yes, I sell password cracking rigs, but I do not advertise my products on these forums, nor on IRC. I do occasionally mention the existence of my products, but I don't jump on here and beg people to buy my shit. And I certainly didn't join the community with the intention of selling anything; I got involved with Hashcat because it is the convergence of three of my favorite things: Infosec, HPC, and psychology. I was part of this community for three full years before I sold a single system, and I only started selling products because people recognized that I was the expert on the topic and reached out to me to replicate my successes. I didn't even make the fact that I was building and selling systems public for another full year after that, it was a fairly well-kept secret. But even after going commercial I continued to contribute greatly to this community, I have devoted tens of thousands of hours to supporting this community, and my company exists to serve the community. I am qualified to offer what I offer, and the solutions my company creates empowers the community and pushes the state-of-the-art. Hashcat is my life, and I love this community. These are my people, and here you are attempting to defraud them. Do you think I should look upon that favorably?

You severely misread the landscape of this market as well, I might add. You can study my website and leverage all of my prior work to offer hardware similar to mine, copy/paste my product descriptions and make your shit look like mine, tell people it's just like what I offer, but what you fail to realize is that people don't buy a solution from me because of the hardware, the software, or any other tangibility; they buy my solutions because of who I am, what I've done, and what I continue to do. They are buying me and my expertise -- the expertise that I have demonstrated time and time again with wisdom and knowledge which comes only from years of experience in this niche on an extremely large scale. You have no such reputation and no such expertise, you are not a password cracker, you have not done anything that qualifies you to offer what you are offering. You are a charlatan.

To be abundantly clear, this isn't about competition. I welcome competition, but if you intend to compete with me, you better fucking come correct. If Flomac or winxp5421 or literally anyone else who is an active member of this community decided to compete against me, I would welcome them with open arms, because I know that they are passionate about Hashcat and password cracking, I know that they have the expertise to support their products, and I know that they will continue to support and contribute to this community. But you? You have nothing to offer, you're just trying to make a quick buck. Really what you are saying by offering a product that you are not qualified to offer is that this community is full of idiots whom you intend to exploit. Again, do you think I should look upon that favorably? Do you think anyone in this community appreciates that?

So that, Kristoffer, is my problem. You're no different from all the other SL3 shitbags looking to exploit the community for personal profit. I highly suggest you go back to cryptocurrency mining or "pre-converging technologies" or whatever the fuck it is that you do, and stay away from our community.

RE: Integer overflow detected while brute forcing - TofuBoy22 - 05-24-2017

For those who weren't around then.... who were these SL3 shitbags that you talk about Smile

RE: Integer overflow detected while brute forcing - kjs - 05-24-2017

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: First, stop begging me to call you. I'm not going to call you or speak to you in private, I have no use for your words.

I am not begging you, but if you have an issue with me quit being a bitch and address it with me directly.

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: My problem, Kristoffer, is that you came out of nowhere and started posting over on the Hashkiller forums advertising that your company is selling Hashcat rigs, but you are not a part of the password cracking community, nor have you contributed anything to the password cracking community. You just registered on Hashcat forums today, and Hashkiller forums two days ago, for the sole purpose of peddling your wares and bolstering your post count to give the appearance that you are part of this community.

Actually, you are wrong.

I didn't register on either forum with the 'sole purpose of peddling my wares', I registered as I am working on solutions, for customers, and myself and am interested in the subject.

I simply responded to one post where someone was asking for someone to build a rig for them.  If there is a specific rule or regulation against that, then point it out to me and I won't do it again.

Finally, I have been reading these forums for a few years, and using hashcat for research purposes for around a year.  You have little idea what my capabilities are, however you do like to make a lot of assumptions, few of which are actually correct.

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: And from the few posts you've made so far, it is abundantly clear that you have nowhere near the knowledge of Hashcat required to support it in a commercial setting, and quite possibly zero experience with password cracking as well. In fact, it looks like you're a cryptocurrency miner who has (only very recently) built just two rigs, so this is a niche which you surely know nothing about.

Rubbish again, once again you have no idea, and are making assumptions that are completely incorrect.  I have a hell of a lot more than 2 rigs deployed in various data centres around the world.  Try well over 300 and 1800 GPU's worth.  Maybe that is small scale to you, but not most people.  I also design and operate these systems myself, and pay all the bills.  In short you have very little idea about what I do or don't know.

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: Digging into your background, trying to figure out who the fuck you are and where the fuck you came from, it is obvious that money is your sole motivation for selling Hashcat rigs. You have no love for Hashcat, nor any passion for password cracking.

A baseless assumption once again.  You have no idea what my motivations are, nor have you actually gotten over your own commercial interests to find out.  You certainly do like the word fuck however!

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: Worse than that, you're offering products that you know nothing about and can't possibly support at an unjustified premium, with absolutely no value-add. You're a charlatan of the same caliber of the SL3 scum that we chased out of our community years ago, and I have absolutely no respect for what you are doing.

That is bullshit.  (Nice work on your fishing exercise earlier today BTW, speaking of deception), a 20-25% markup on premium hardware and assembly is hardly an 'unjustified premium'.

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: Yes, I sell password cracking rigs, but I do not advertise my products on these forums, nor on IRC. I do occasionally mention the existence of my products, but I don't jump on here and beg people to buy my shit. And I certainly didn't join the community with the intention of selling anything;

Provide evidence to show were I have advertised systems on these forums, or on IRC?  I'm also keen to see where I am 'begging people to buy my shit'.

I didn't join either forum with the intention of selling anything.  You literally have no idea and are making some far stretched accusations with little evidence to support them.

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: I got involved with Hashcat because it is the convergence of three of my favorite things: Infosec, HPC, and psychology. I was part of this community for three full years before I sold a single system, and I only started selling products because people recognized that I was the expert on the topic and reached out to me to replicate my successes. I didn't even make the fact that I was building and selling systems public for another full year after that, it was a fairly well-kept secret.

Congratulations, you're sainthood will surely be bestowed upon you before much longer in the church of password crackers and jovial characters everywhere.

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: But even after going commercial I continued to contribute greatly to this community, I have devoted tens of thousands of hours to supporting this community, and my company exists to serve the community. I am qualified to offer what I offer, and the solutions my company creates empowers the community and pushes the state-of-the-art. Hashcat is my life, and I love this community.

Congratulations, I respect your knowledge and contribution.

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: These are my people, and here you are attempting to defraud them. Do you think I should look upon that favorably?

I have not attempted to defraud anyone, and I would be very careful making that kind of accusation in a public forum.  Provide evidence thereof, or quit making allegations which are quite simply untrue.

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: You severely misread the landscape of this market as well, I might add. You can study my website and leverage all of my prior work to offer hardware similar to mine, copy/paste my product descriptions and make your shit look like mine, tell people it's just like what I offer, but what you fail to realize is that people don't buy a solution from me because of the hardware, the software, or any other tangibility; they buy my solutions because of who I am, what I've done, and what I continue to do.

Congratulations again, you have done well and deservedly so.  You have a nice website and do nice work, I appreciate your artistry.  You are obviously a god among mere mortals.

However, who said I have copied anything from you, or your company? I haven't copied anything from you, and don't need to either.

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: They are buying me and my expertise -- the expertise that I have demonstrated time and time again with wisdom and knowledge which comes only from years of experience in this niche on an extremely large scale. You have no such reputation and no such expertise, you are not a password cracker, you have not done anything that qualifies you to offer what you are offering. You are a charlatan.

You have no idea, and name calling isn't particular professional.

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: To be abundantly clear, this isn't about competition. I welcome competition, but if you intend to compete with me, you better fucking come correct. If Flomac or winxp5421 or literally anyone else who is an active member of this community decided to compete against me, I would welcome them with open arms, because I know that they are passionate about Hashcat and password cracking, I know that they have the expertise to support their products, and I know that they will continue to support and contribute to this community. But you? You have nothing to offer, you're just trying to make a quick buck.

Wrong, since when did I, or anyone state that I am competing with you, or have any intention of competing with you?  Provide evidence.

As for making a 'quick buck', that's bullshit.

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: Really what you are saying by offering a product that you are not qualified to offer is that this community is full of idiots whom you intend to exploit. Again, do you think I should look upon that favorably? Do you think anyone in this community appreciates that?

I have never intended to, nor exploited anyone.  I don't really give a shit whether you look upon it favourably or not, as you don't actually have any idea, or have you made any genuine effort to do so from what I can see.

(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: So that, Kristoffer, is my problem. You're no different from all the other SL3 shitbags looking to exploit the community for personal profit. I highly suggest you go back to cryptocurrency mining or "pre-converging technologies" or whatever the fuck it is that you do, and stay away from our community.

Wrong again.  I don't (and have never) exploited anyone, and don't appreciate you saying that I do.

A very merry fuck you back right at you, punk Jeremi.

I am completely expecting to be banned at the end of this post, or held up as some public example of one of the 'charlatans' you'd like to make an example of.  Do whatever you like, I really do not give a flying fuck at this point.

RE: Integer overflow detected while brute forcing - epixoip - 05-24-2017

(05-24-2017, 10:41 AM)TofuBoy22 Wrote: For those who weren't around then.... who were these SL3 shitbags that you talk about Smile

Phone unlockers. They were greedy, demanding, disrespectful leeches that were a massive drain on our community. The drama started with https://hashcat.net/forum/thread-345.html and finally ended with https://hashcat.net/forum/thread-1887.html

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote: I am not begging you, but if you have an issue with me quit being a bitch and address it with me directly.

You sent me a PM. You tweeted at me. Then you posted it on another thread on these forums. Asking three times is pretty much the definition of begging. Also, confronting you in a public forum is pretty much the exact opposite of being a bitch, and very much so addressing it directly. Wanting to talk about it in private to save yourself the embarrassment of being called out would be the bitch move...

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote: I didn't register on either forum with the 'sole purpose of peddling my wares', I registered as I am working on solutions, for customers, and myself and am interested in the subject.

Working on solutions for a topic which you have no experience with, you mean.

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote: Finally, I have been reading these forums for a few years, and using hashcat for research purposes for around a year.

Prove it. There is absolutely no evidence of this. You only recently registered on the Hashcat and Hashkiller forums, and you only recently started retweeting password-related things in the last week, all from your company account, none from your personal account. No mention of Hashcat or passwords whatsoever. But lots of shit about ETH mining.

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote: Rubbish again, once again you have no idea, and are making assumptions that are completely incorrect.  I have a hell of a lot more than 2 rigs deployed in various data centres around the world.  Try well over 300 and 1800 GPU's worth.

I am willing to believe that CloudCentral has such capabilities, but not Ethereal Capital (unless you use them for ETH mining) nor you personally, and I also strongly doubt they are used for password cracking.

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote:
(05-24-2017, 09:34 AM)epixoip Wrote: it is obvious that money is your sole motivation for selling Hashcat rigs. You have no love for Hashcat, nor any passion for password cracking.

A baseless assumption once again.  You have no idea what my motivations are

Baseless? Your company is Ethereal Capital. Your job title is "Chief Investment Officer." You've never once mentioned Hashcat nor password cracking in anything you've written or published online, excluding the past 48 hours of course, but you sure do talk about money and cryptocurrencies a lot. And your first post on the Hashkiller forums was to advertise the rigs you have for sale. So yeah, no, not really baseless after all, is it? I'm also not hearing you say anything about what your motivations actually are, all you're really doing is saying "nuh uh" to everything I say.

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote: Nice work on your fishing exercise earlier today BTW, speaking of deception

Actually I had nothing to do with that, I'm not even on the Hashkiller forums. A friend on Hashkiller saw your posts and thought it was suspicious. He contacted you for more information, was concerned with what he saw, and forwarded everything onto me. That's when I noticed you were shitposting all over the Hashcat forums as well, not really saying anything of value or contributing anything useful, just trying to get your post count up. I thought about just using the "Purge Spammer" button, but I was so infuriated with what I saw that I decided confronting you about it directly would be far more beneficial to the community. Now people know to watch out for you.

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote: 20-25% markup on premium hardware and assembly is hardly an 'unjustified premium'.

If all you are doing is selling the hardware with pre-installed FOSS software, and aren't providing any additional value-add services, then yes, actually it is quite unjustified. Your pricing should be more inline with Thinkmate. Instead you're trying to align your pricing with mine, which is wholly unrealistic given the amount of value-add services we provide, including full commercial support for Hashcat. I highly doubt you're over there writing Hashcat kernels for your customers...

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote: I didn't join either forum with the intention of selling anything.  You literally have no idea and are making some far stretched accusations with little evidence to support them.

Horseshit. All the evidence says otherwise.

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote: I have not attempted to defraud anyone, and I would be very careful making that kind of accusation in a public forum.  Provide evidence thereof, or quit making allegations which are quite simply untrue.

On this very thread you were confused by what "integer overflow" meant, and didn't know that Hashcat stores keyspace as a uint64. You are clearly not even the least bit qualified to provide Hashcat support to your customers, yet here you are selling Hashcat-based solutions at a premium. That is pretty fucking fraudulent.

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote: However, who said I have copied anything from you, or your company? I haven't copied anything from you, and don't need to either.

The quote you provided to our mutual friend was damn near copypasta from the Sagitta website, substituting the FT77 specs for the 4028GR specs, right down to the order the components are listed in. And if this system is truly your design, let me ask you: why did you choose the 2620v4, 64GB RAM, and 512GB SSD in RAID-1 for your base configuration? What lead you to pick those specific things? I know why I picked them for the base model Brutalis, I have very specific reasons indeed. But I'd like to hear your reasons, since you designed this yourself, after all.

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote: Wrong, since when did I, or anyone state that I am competing with you, or have any intention of competing with you?  Provide evidence.

https://forum.hashkiller.co.uk/topic-view.aspx?t=16125&m=133031#133031 is pretty damning evidence against this assertion -- Or do you need a literal smoking gun?

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote: I have never intended to, nor exploited anyone.

Selling a product you didn't design for an application you know nothing about and are not at all prepared to support, as evidenced by your comments on this very thread, is fraudulent, and is exploiting the ignorance of your customers.

(05-24-2017, 10:55 AM)kjs Wrote: I am completely expecting to be banned at the end of this post, or held up as some public example of one of the 'charlatans' you'd like to make an example of.  Do whatever you like, I really do not give a flying fuck at this point.

This is probably the only thing you have said that is actually true.