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bloch ciphers - Printable Version

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bloch ciphers - hamish - 05-26-2013

How is best to do block ciphers

RE: bloch ciphers - undeath - 05-26-2013

with love

RE: bloch ciphers - hamish - 05-26-2013

i tried love and for awhile I was warm and fuzzy

any other alternatives, LOL

RE: bloch ciphers - Rolf - 05-26-2013

With asm, it will be faster this way.

RE: bloch ciphers - NeonFlash - 05-26-2013

@hamish: What do you intend to do with the Block Ciphers? Are you attempting to crack them?

I think you mean to say, hashing algorithms based on Block Ciphers like descrypt (based on DES) and bcrypt (based on Blowfish)?

DES has been accelerated on the GPU, so you can crack it faster with oclhashcat-plus or with a multicore CPU (OMP would be good).

bcrypt is not so efficient on GPU, so you can try either GPU or a multi core CPU.

RE: bloch ciphers - hamish - 05-26-2013

not sure asm?

was hoping to use GPU optimised as faster than CPU.

yes I want to find the relevent DES key between two hex values.

RE: bloch ciphers - Kuci - 05-27-2013

If you want to use your GPU, you need CUDA (NVidia) or OpenCL (AMD).

RE: bloch ciphers - hamish - 05-27-2013

I have CUDA
just not sure how to implement a solution?
I didnt think I would need to reinvent the wheel and thre would be some software available or
do I need to compile up some code