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Bruteforcing SHA1 with knowing the salt - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: Bruteforcing SHA1 with knowing the salt (/thread-9135.html)

Bruteforcing SHA1 with knowing the salt - tropikando - 04-15-2020

Hello dear Hashcat community,
I am a studying cybersecurity on my local university. I am stucked at a task given by my lecturer. 
As the task says - I have to find the secret password just by knowing the SHA1 hash and salt. I was reading the documentation and old threads(of much older versions of Hashcat) but I still don't know how to include my salt in command. 

As far as I read on the wiki, I should use the -m parameter with 110 number and -a parameter with value 3. 

Can you please give me a tip how to make use of knowing the salt and any example of command?

I have tryed something like this but with no success:
Hashcat -m 110 -a 3 40DIGITSHA1 (and where should I put salt here?)

RE: Bruteforcing SHA1 with knowing the salt - undeath - 04-15-2020

see "hashcat --example -m 110" for the expected format or have a look at https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=example_hashes

RE: Bruteforcing SHA1 with knowing the salt - tropikando - 04-15-2020

So it should look like that?
Hashcat -m 110 -a 3 SHA1:Salt
The program is running but I want to ask if the command is corrent just to be sure.

RE: Bruteforcing SHA1 with knowing the salt - undeath - 04-15-2020

Yes, that's correct. You should specify a mask when running -a3 btw.

RE: Bruteforcing SHA1 with knowing the salt - tropikando - 04-15-2020

I didn't do that, I guess it will take longer time to find the password without specifying it?

RE: Bruteforcing SHA1 with knowing the salt - Mem5 - 04-17-2020

"take longer time" compared to what ?

Mast attack : https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=mask_attack