Is there a size limit for the input file for hcstatgen?
(07-28-2015, 09:43 PM)turbogiant76 Wrote: What would be the best way to approach this problem?

I have a 7z file I password protected some years ago.  I used a password with some variation that I can't remember and wrote it down but don't have access to the paper.

I use about three or four "root" words for my passwords, and prepend and append various things to them like so:
(not using the real words)
batman, fromlouie, genius

some of the stuff I add might be like:

fromlouie123, fromlouie123#, fromlouie###, 123fromloiue###, etc.

I also think that, on top of that I might have also added some random characters I never use like "^2x" but I don't know how many or what type.

I don't know if there is any value in using a .hcstat file generated from a random wordlist and applying a markov-threshold of something like 25 to a mask attack to speed it up.  I am afraid of letting it run for a long time and missing the winning combination.

Is there any value of creating a dictionary of around 50 or 100 combinations of what I think the password might be and creating a .hcstat from that and adding markov to my attack.

I do know that my current approach will take too long and I'm not sure what to do.  I really need to solve this.

I honestly think the easiest solution would be just to put your basewords into a wordlist and then run rules against it and/or a mask attack.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Is there a size limit for the input file for hcstatgen? - by KillerCube - 07-29-2015, 11:45 PM