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Full Version: Cant start hashing
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Hi, I am new to hashcat and I would appreciate any help with this, since it is my first contact with hashing. I am trying to extract my password from old zip file - 1KB. I have extracted the hash with zip2john and now have the hash in file. I am using AMD GPU RX480 8GB on Windows 10 64-bit with all latest updates and AMD drivers Adrenalin Edition 18.8.1 - latest. Hashcat is the latest - 4.2.1 edition. It sееms that I am missing some optional command (or something else), but I don't know what it is.
Hashcat is starting and after "Initializing device kernels and memory...." it is stopping. It looks like this:
[Image: rnOoKd8.jpg]

Thank you in advance.
hashcat won't begin cracking until you give it some words, try providing a wordlist!
or a mask!

Dictionary: https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=dictionary_attack
hashcat -m 0 -a 0 hash.txt wordlist.txt

Mask: https://hashcat.net/wiki/doku.php?id=mask_attack
hashcat -m 0 -a 3 hash.txt ?d?d?d?d?d?d?d?d
Thank you guys. Unfortunately, I didn`t get different result with wordlist:
[Image: 7XxyYb2.jpg]

Is the syntax wrong? CommonPassword_PsycO_WPA.txt wordlist is in the same directory

I didn`t try mask, because as far as I can understand reading the wiki, I must know the length of the password which I don`t. Any suggestions?
Just wanted to post an update. The problem was with the driver - Adrenalin Edition 18.8.1. After removing it and installing Adrenalin Edition 18.5.1. everything works fine. 
Si2006 thank you for the wordlists heads up. I will try to learn how to search in multiple wordlists. 
JCas thank you for the mask heads up. I didn`t saw in wiki that I can increment.
(08-25-2018, 08:55 PM)kip1 Wrote: [ -> ]JCas thank you for the mask heads up. I didn`t saw in wiki that I can increment.

My pleasure. Just be aware that such usage of a mask is a true brute force and should be used as a last ditch option. A brute force *will* crack the password but it *will* take an extremely long time - likely longer than any of us will live. Wordlists, rules, combinator/hybrid, and prince attack options should all be exhausted first for the most efficient crack.
(08-27-2018, 09:22 AM)JCas Wrote: [ -> ]
(08-25-2018, 08:55 PM)kip1 Wrote: [ -> ]JCas thank you for the mask heads up. I didn`t saw in wiki that I can increment.

My pleasure.  Just be aware that such usage of a mask is a true brute force and should be used as a last ditch option.  A brute force *will* crack the password but it *will* take an extremely long time - likely longer than any of us will live.  Wordlists, rules, combinator/hybrid, and prince attack options should all be exhausted first for the most efficient crack.

You don`t say. I see 287 years.😂