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Full Version: Veracrypt with multiple keyfiles
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Is it possible to have HC run multiple keyfiles? If yes how? and also will it run with all the listed keyfiles or will it run trying every combination of the keyfiles? Same for the PIM e.g. I am not sure which one I used but know it is one of 4.

Forgot how I setup my crypt and have various ways I could have made the password which I can make a password list file. I just don't remember which combo of keyfiles I used or which PIM.

hashcat --help
--veracrypt-keyfiles       | File | Keyfiles to use, separated with commas
--veracrypt-pim-start      | Num  | VeraCrypt personal iterations multiplier start
--veracrypt-pim-stop       | Num  | VeraCrypt personal iterations multiplier stop

It should be self-explanatory: keyfiles separated by commas "," and --veracrypt-pim-start x --veracrypt-pim-stop y
where x is minimum and y is maximum

you might need to use the beta from https://hashcat.net/beta/ to use all of the newer/updated features
Will it run every keyfile added or will it try all the different combinations of them?
It works the same way is it is implemented in VC.
(02-19-2020, 01:01 PM)atom Wrote: [ -> ]It works the same way is it is implemented in VC.

Not sure if that means if I provide 6 files it will use the 6 files???

Thus I will have to run it with each possible combination of keyfiles. E.G. I have 20 key files but only use a combination of 5 at a time.

Also can you clarify do I need to extract the hash for each keyfile or do HC just need the file and it gets the hash? I vaguely remember reading you had to have the keyfile hash not just the file but that was years ago now.

the file checksum is calculated internally by hashcat. All the files are combined to later create the checksum (as veracrypt does too)

Therefore, if you do NOT know which files you used or the order of the files, you need to try each and every one of them in sequence (e.g. in a batch/shell script):