RE: Radeon HD 7470m -- oclHashcat-plus64.exe has stopped working - QwertyQwerty - 08-29-2013
Sorry, I was trying to get it working, Nope, new error now.
ERROR: clGetPlatformIDs() -1001
RE: Radeon HD 7470m -- oclHashcat-plus64.exe has stopped working - QwertyQwerty - 08-29-2013
It did seem to recognize the gpu with the sdk installed though, It was the closest to working too.
RE: Radeon HD 7470m -- oclHashcat-plus64.exe has stopped working - atom - 08-29-2013
hmm well its hard to say. never say someone with hd7470m before, maybe its just a driver issue and will self-fix with the next stable driver
RE: Radeon HD 7470m -- oclHashcat-plus64.exe has stopped working - QwertyQwerty - 08-29-2013
Yeah, I didn't manage to find anyone anywhere using oclhashcat-plus with this gpu either, I guess all I can do is keep trying, I'll update if I manage to get it working.
RE: Radeon HD 7470m -- oclHashcat-plus64.exe has stopped working - QwertyQwerty - 09-04-2013
atom, I tried 13.8 Beta2, I have a new error.
Quote:oclHashcat-lite v0.15 by atom starting...
Password lengths: 1 - 54
Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger set to 90c
Watchdog: Temperature retain trigger set to 80c
Device #1: Caicos, 1024MB, 800Mhz, 2MCU
WARN: ADL_Overdrive5_FanSpeedInfo_Get(): -1
ERROR: clBuildProgram() -11
RE: Radeon HD 7470m -- oclHashcat-plus64.exe has stopped working - QwertyQwerty - 09-04-2013
Here's output from clinfo, I'm not sure if it'll help.
Quote:Number of platforms: 1
Platform Profile: FULL_PROFILE
Platform Version: OpenCL 1.2 AMD-APP (1214.3)
Platform Name: AMD Accelerated Parallel Proces
Platform Vendor: Advanced Micro Devices, Inc.
Platform Extensions: cl_khr_icd cl_amd_event_callbac
k cl_amd_offline_devices cl_khr_d3d10_sharing cl_khr_d3d11_sharing
Platform Name: AMD Accelerated Parallel Proces
Number of devices: 1
Device ID: 4098
Board name:
Max compute units: 4
Max work items dimensions: 3
Max work items[0]: 1024
Max work items[1]: 1024
Max work items[2]: 1024
Max work group size: 1024
Preferred vector width char: 16
Preferred vector width short: 8
Preferred vector width int: 4
Preferred vector width long: 2
Preferred vector width float: 8
Preferred vector width double: 4
Native vector width char: 16
Native vector width short: 8
Native vector width int: 4
Native vector width long: 2
Native vector width float: 8
Native vector width double: 4
Max clock frequency: 2294Mhz
Address bits: 64
Max memory allocation: 2147483648
Image support: Yes
Max number of images read arguments: 128
Max number of images write arguments: 8
Max image 2D width: 8192
Max image 2D height: 8192
Max image 3D width: 2048
Max image 3D height: 2048
Max image 3D depth: 2048
Max samplers within kernel: 16
Max size of kernel argument: 4096
Alignment (bits) of base address: 1024
Minimum alignment (bytes) for any datatype: 128
Single precision floating point capability
Denorms: Yes
Quiet NaNs: Yes
Round to nearest even: Yes
Round to zero: Yes
Round to +ve and infinity: Yes
IEEE754-2008 fused multiply-add: Yes
Cache type: Read/Write
Cache line size: 64
Cache size: 32768
Global memory size: 4269932544
Constant buffer size: 65536
Max number of constant args: 8
Local memory type: Global
Local memory size: 32768
Kernel Preferred work group size multiple: 1
Error correction support: 0
Unified memory for Host and Device: 1
Profiling timer resolution: 446
Device endianess: Little
Available: Yes
Compiler available: Yes
Execution capabilities:
Execute OpenCL kernels: Yes
Execute native function: Yes
Queue properties:
Out-of-Order: No
Profiling : Yes
Platform ID: 000007FEE2DF7128
Name: Intel(R) Core(TM) i3-235
0M CPU @ 2.30GHz
Vendor: GenuineIntel
Device OpenCL C version: OpenCL C 1.2
Driver version: 1214.3 (sse2,avx)
Version: OpenCL 1.2 AMD-APP (1214.3)
Extensions: cl_khr_fp64 cl_amd_fp64 cl_khr_
global_int32_base_atomics cl_khr_global_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_local_int3
2_base_atomics cl_khr_local_int32_extended_atomics cl_khr_int64_base_atomics cl_
khr_int64_extended_atomics cl_khr_3d_image_writes cl_khr_byte_addressable_store
cl_khr_gl_sharing cl_ext_device_fission cl_amd_device_attribute_query cl_amd_vec
3 cl_amd_printf cl_amd_media_ops cl_amd_media_ops2 cl_amd_popcnt cl_khr_d3d10_sh
RE: Radeon HD 7470m -- oclHashcat-plus64.exe has stopped working - QwertyQwerty - 09-04-2013
I managed to get it to work, But, then I also have no display on my laptop screen, can only see with tv.
RE: Radeon HD 7470m -- oclHashcat-plus64.exe has stopped working - Mangix - 09-04-2013
Beta 2 is known to be buggy. Use Beta 1 instead.
RE: Radeon HD 7470m -- oclHashcat-plus64.exe has stopped working - QwertyQwerty - 09-04-2013
I have already tried beta 1, along with a whole heaps of others.
RE: Radeon HD 7470m -- oclHashcat-plus64.exe has stopped working - QwertyQwerty - 09-04-2013
Alright, Awesome, I got it working.
Quote:oclHashcat-plus v0.15 by atom starting...
Hashes: 175303 total, 1 unique salts, 175303 unique digests
Bitmaps: 21 bits, 1048576 entries, 0x000fffff mask, 4194304 bytes
Workload: 256 loops, 160 accel
Watchdog: Temperature abort trigger set to 90c
Watchdog: Temperature retain trigger set to 80c
Device #1: Caicos, 1024MB, 800Mhz, 2MCU
Device #1: Kernel ./kernels/4098/m0000_a3.Caicos_1084.4_1084.4 (VM).kernel (5412
12 bytes)
Device #1: Kernel ./kernels/4098/markov_le_plus_v4.Caicos_1084.4_1084.4 (VM).ker
nel (768780 bytes)
Device #1: Kernel ./kernels/4098/bzero.Caicos_1084.4_1084.4 (VM).kernel (65332 b
WARN: ADL_Overdrive5_FanSpeedInfo_Get(): -1
[s]tatus [p]ause [r]esume [b]ypass [q]uit =>
Session.Name...: oclHashcat-plus
Status.........: Running
Input.Mode.....: Mask (?a?a?a?a?a?a?a?a) [8]
Hash.Target....: File (C:\Other\hash_no_double.txt)
Hash.Type......: MD5
Time.Started...: Wed Sep 04 18:19:18 2013 (2 secs)
Time.Estimated.: Wed May 18 18:03:16 2016 (2 years, 256 days)
Speed.GPU.#1...: 110.2 MH/s
Recovered......: 257/175303 (0.15%) Digests, 0/1 (0.00%) Salts
Progress.......: 188743680/6634204312890625 (0.00%)
Rejected.......: 0/188743680 (0.00%)
HWMon.GPU.#1...: 0% Util, 66c Temp, N/A Fan
Thanks for your help, well rather support.