Hello Hashcat users,
I am really proud to release this new version 0.06 of oclHashcat-plus to public. It contains a lot of new features, improvements, changes and bugfixes.
As you may already know, the highlight is the new WPA/WPA2 kernel.
This new oclHashcat-plus was faster than every other WPA cracker in every configuration i had tested.
Especially owners of AMD cards and owners of multi-gpu systems will see a neat improvement. But dont expect too much.
The rumours saying its 3 or 4 times faster than other WPA crackers are true, but only because of a very special case (Big number of GPUs).
What makes the oclHashcat-plus WPA/WPA2 kernel really unique is that it calculates the full WPA handshake on GPU.
It calculates the PMK, the PTK and the final EAPOL HMAC, everything on GPU. So its not just the PMK.
Doing everything in GPU results in 0% CPU usage and therefore saves a lot of energy and gives a lag-free desktop.
But WPA isnt everything. There is also many other new algorithms added.
For example mscash2 (DCC2), vBulletin (both salt versions), Cisco PIX, SHA256 etc.., see changelog for full list.
I also improved the performance of the already supported algorithms by optimizing them for the current state of the art GPUs.
For example; NTLM and DEScrypt on the 4xx and 5xx NVidias is +27.15% and +28.91%.
On AMD I focused on hd69xx tuning and achieved +16.07% again on DEScrypt.
Some new features many of you will like:
Due to the massive changes of core code, all the new kernels and the new features, it may occour you face some bugs.
Beta testers did a really great job finding them and all the reported bugs have been fixed.
If you find bugs or any other irregularities do not hesitate to report them on Hashcat Forum or on #hashcat IRC channel on rizon.
Enough said. HF Guys!!!
Download it here: http://hashcat.net/oclhashcat-plus/
Full changelog v0.05 -> v0.06:
I am really proud to release this new version 0.06 of oclHashcat-plus to public. It contains a lot of new features, improvements, changes and bugfixes.
As you may already know, the highlight is the new WPA/WPA2 kernel.
This new oclHashcat-plus was faster than every other WPA cracker in every configuration i had tested.
Especially owners of AMD cards and owners of multi-gpu systems will see a neat improvement. But dont expect too much.
The rumours saying its 3 or 4 times faster than other WPA crackers are true, but only because of a very special case (Big number of GPUs).
What makes the oclHashcat-plus WPA/WPA2 kernel really unique is that it calculates the full WPA handshake on GPU.
It calculates the PMK, the PTK and the final EAPOL HMAC, everything on GPU. So its not just the PMK.
Doing everything in GPU results in 0% CPU usage and therefore saves a lot of energy and gives a lag-free desktop.
But WPA isnt everything. There is also many other new algorithms added.
For example mscash2 (DCC2), vBulletin (both salt versions), Cisco PIX, SHA256 etc.., see changelog for full list.
I also improved the performance of the already supported algorithms by optimizing them for the current state of the art GPUs.
For example; NTLM and DEScrypt on the 4xx and 5xx NVidias is +27.15% and +28.91%.
On AMD I focused on hd69xx tuning and achieved +16.07% again on DEScrypt.
Some new features many of you will like:
- The support for a potfile and therefore the parameter using it: --show, --left and --usernames (finally usernames).
This is useful in hashlist management.
- The first "real" ported alternative attack vector from hashcat CPU: the Permutation-attack.
Hint: For best performance, use the prepare utility from hashcat-utils with your dictionaries. It reorders their content so that you can unique the resulting dictionary afterwards.
- Fine-tuned and re-calibrated default workload settings depending on the combination of GPU-type and algorithm.
This greatly reduces desktop lags.
- The status screen got a complete facelift (additional informations like GPU-Idle, reject counter etc.)
Due to the massive changes of core code, all the new kernels and the new features, it may occour you face some bugs.
Beta testers did a really great job finding them and all the reported bugs have been fixed.
If you find bugs or any other irregularities do not hesitate to report them on Hashcat Forum or on #hashcat IRC channel on rizon.
Enough said. HF Guys!!!
Download it here: http://hashcat.net/oclhashcat-plus/
Full changelog v0.05 -> v0.06:
type: speedups
desc: MD5: AMD hd6990 +7.78%, NV gtx580 +1.84%
desc: phpass: AMD hd6990 +1.01%, NV gtx580 0.00%
desc: md5crypt: AMD hd6990 +10.13%, NV gtx580 +7.08%
desc: MD4: AMD hd6990 +15.34%, NV gtx580 +15.71%
desc: NTLM: AMD hd6990 +9.06%, NV gtx580 +27.15%
desc: DCC: AMD hd6990 +7.06%, NV gtx580 +6.71%
desc: descrypt: AMD hd6990 +16.07%, NV gtx580 +28.91%
desc: md5apr1: AMD hd6990 +9.62%, NV gtx580 +7.85%
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 5 = vBulletin < v3.8.5
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 9 = IPB2, MyBB1.2
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 15 = vBulletin > v3.8.5
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 100 = SHA1
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 300 = MySQL > v4.1
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 500 = Cisco-IOS MD5 (additional)
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 600 = nsldap, SHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SHA
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 700 = nsldaps, SSHA-1(Base64), Netscape LDAP SSHA
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 1300 = MSSQL(2000)
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 1400 = SHA256
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 2000 = Oracle 11g
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 2100 = Domain Cached Credentials2, mscash2
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 2300 = MSSQL(2005)
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 2400 = Cisco-PIX MD5
type: feature
file: kernels
desc: added -m 2500 = WPA/WPA2
type: feature
file: host programs, kernels
desc: added -a 4 = permutation attack
type: feature
file: host programs, kernels
desc: moved rule engine for slow algorithms from gpu to cpu based calculation
type: feature
file: host programs
desc: added potfile support
type: feature
file: host programs
desc: added parameter --show to show all cracked hashes using the potfile
type: feature
file: host programs
desc: added parameter --left to show all uncracked hashes using the potfile
type: feature
file: host programs
desc: added parameter --username to enable ignore usernames in hashfile
type: feature
file: host programs
desc: added seperate timers for real speed (GPU+CPU) and cracking speed (GPU)
type: feature
file: host programs
desc: backported --hex-salt from oclHashcat-lite v0.06
type: feature
file: host programs
desc: backported status codes on exit from oclHashcat-lite v0.06
type: improvement
file: kernels
desc: increased maximum functions per rule from 8 to 16
type: improvement
file: kernels
desc: increased maximum --gpu-loops from 512 to 1024
type: improvement
file: kernels
desc: increased maximum username length in DCC kernels from 7 to 15
type: improvement
file: host programs
desc: added display progress of dictionary scanning phase, keep user updated
type: feature
file: host programs
desc: added display of the hash itself in single hash cracking
type: improvement
file: host programs
desc: redesigned digest-to-salt handling to remove irregular hash handling
type: improvement
file: rules
desc: updated d3adone.rule (to 35406 unique rules)
type: improvement
file: rules
desc: added rules/T0XlC.rule
type: improvement
file: rules
desc: added rules/toggles[12345].rule
type: contrib
file: external
desc: added patch for aircrack-ng to enable aircrack-ng dumping .hccap file
type: contrib
file: external
desc: added alternative solution for converting: http://hashcat.net/cap2hccap
type: contrib
file: external
desc: added configureable leetspeek.rule permutation generator script
cred: lanjelot
type: change
file: host programs
desc: recalibrated defaults so that kernels run fast but not to aggressive
type: change
file: host programs
desc: changed speed display compressing threshold from 10000 to 100000
type: change
file: host programs
desc: changed exit behaviour in case of invalid hash from exit to skip-only
type: bug
file: kernels (nvidia only)
desc: fixed single-hash issue in MD4, NTLM and DCC kernels
cred: http://hashcat.net/forum/thread-822.html
type: bug
file: kernels
desc: fixed multi-hash issue in phpass kernel
cred: http://hashcat.net/forum/thread-768.html
type: bug
file: kernels
desc: fixed issue in multi-hash in DCC kernel
type: bug
file: kernels
desc: fixed issue in gpu rule-engine in function "s"
type: bug
file: host programs
desc: fixed issue when enabling pause mode in salted multihash cracking
cred: San
type: bug
file: host programs
desc: fixed calculating wrong progress issue in status display
cred: http://hashcat.net/forum/thread-721.html
type: bug
file: host programs
desc: fixed bug in --gpu-async which was not enabled even if specified
type: bug
file: host programs
desc: fixed version string on startup
cred: http://hashcat.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=470
type: bug
file: host programs
desc: workarounded AMD issue ../../src/xcb_io.c:140: dequeue_pending_request
cred: http://hashcat.net/forum/showthread.php?tid=462