"brute force" and custom charset questions
When performing a brute force (or mask) attack with oclHashcat-plus, can I use a rule to append characters to my mask? I'm assuming I can because it executes successfully but figured it couldn't hurt to ask.

Also, how can I create a custom charset using !?@#$%& without getting an error? I know I could just use ?s, but I don't want all possible special characters to be used in my mask.

./oclHashcat-plus64.bin -a 3 --remove -r rules/custom/pix_salt.rule  -n 40 --gpu-loops=1000 -o solved/pix.solv -m 2400 hashes/pix.hash -1 ?l?d -2 ?d!?@#$%& ?u?l?l?l?l?l?1?2

The error I get from that is -bash: !?@#$%& ?: event not found.


Messages In This Thread
"brute force" and custom charset questions - by jnet - 11-29-2012, 06:02 PM