Hashcat pot file: permission denied

I will eventually restart my computer once my current attacks will be done but I doubt it's going to change anything. It's not being used by any other program.

To undeath:

There are no permission problems. Most often, there are no problem and everything gets written in the pot file (I never opened it to verify, however). The problem is random and intermittent so very hard to troubleshoot. I just wanted to check if anyone had experienced the same thing. My current explanation is that since I have a mirrored raid, if other processes are actively using the hard drive, it could be unavailable on the spot for Hashcat but I don't know if it can really happen that way.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Hashcat pot file: permission denied - by mastercracker - 12-01-2012, 03:27 AM
RE: Hashcat pot file: permission denied - by atom - 12-08-2012, 08:02 PM