12-11-2012, 08:59 PM
You can read about InfiniBand on Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Infiniband
From what I hear, there is no master node; the guy runs the broker on a compute node. You can see more in the slidedeck from his presentation: http://passwords12.at.ifi.uio.no/Jeremi_...ords12.pdf
The TYAN chassis has enough slots, yes. It, and the Chenbro case as well, are designed for GPGPU.
From what I hear, there is no master node; the guy runs the broker on a compute node. You can see more in the slidedeck from his presentation: http://passwords12.at.ifi.uio.no/Jeremi_...ords12.pdf
The TYAN chassis has enough slots, yes. It, and the Chenbro case as well, are designed for GPGPU.