Custom hash derived from DES encrypted pass
Some more info..

The hash is derived via code. I have the DES key and iv. The password, which is exactly 8 characters is encrypted with DES. Then the first 8 bytes of the DES ciphertext is hashed with SHA1. I have this hash.

So, I'm thinking I can do a hashcat crack using a custom charset of 0x00 - 0xFF. This is a long charset.

I'm unsure of how to pass in this charset to hashcat. Will hashcat take a hexstring like this:

00010203040506...FF? Or is there a better way?

Thanks much. I saw that hashcat has a charset of 0xC0 - FF, I am curious why the first 0xBF bytes are omitted.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Custom hash derived from DES encrypted pass - by damiank - 01-09-2013, 10:04 PM