WPA/WPA2 which hashcat, which rules ?
so oclHashcat-plus can work out the WPA with the laptop's CPU ? Is there a special command, or just normal program execution ?

With aircrack I calculated that it could take about 419.000 years to complete (1350k/s) I'm afraid I can't wait that long ...

But I'm also considering advanced crunch options .... I'll post something here if I find the right thing, as I haven't yet tried that out

EDIT : Laptop's CPU is not that bad i guess... it's a P8600 Core2 (it's written "pro" instead of "duo", I don't know if it makes big difference)

Messages In This Thread
RE: WPA/WPA2 which hashcat, which rules ? - by Stealthpenguin - 01-10-2013, 04:21 PM