Hashcat-Plus - Kernel Error
sounds like you incorrectly unpacked the archive, perhaps you used '7z e' instead of '7z x'. or maybe you inadvertently deleted the kernel directory. but that kernel is definitely shipped in the archive.

epixoip@clyde:~/oclHashcat-plus-0.13/kernels/4098$ ls -l m0000_a0.VLIW4.llvmir
-rw------- 1 epixoip epixoip 238700 Feb  1 01:44 m0000_a0.VLIW4.llvmir

Messages In This Thread
Hashcat-Plus - Kernel Error - by btnoob202 - 02-11-2013, 04:33 AM
RE: Hashcat-Plus - Kernel Error - by epixoip - 02-11-2013, 05:06 AM
RE: Hashcat-Plus - Kernel Error - by btnoob202 - 02-11-2013, 05:42 AM