Error cuCtxPopCurrent (cudaHashcat+64.exe)
I don't know if it's a bug..
When I run this command line :

cudaHashcat+64.exe -r rules\d3ad0ne_1.5K.rule -n 512  --gpu-loops 512  -m 1000  hash.txt "dics\full.txt"
cudaHashcat+ v0.03 starting...

ERROR: cuCtxPopCurrent() 999

And program exits.

Why ?
Then I put -n 256 instead of 512 and it works fine.

When I use a smaller rule (like leetspeak.rule) I am able to run the program with -n 512, without any error.
Does the rule file length acts on the -n parameter ?

Thank you.

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Error cuCtxPopCurrent (cudaHashcat+64.exe) - by jAm - 02-02-2011, 09:11 AM