How to extract a hash (VNC, SSH2 or SMB) from a WireShark capture file
All right, I think I have succeeded in sniffing a SMB hash. I have done it using EtterCap.
This is the command:

ettercap -T -w dump.cap /OriginIP/ // output: -l logfile

so it yields through screen (checkable too via the logfile using etterlog):

ACCOUNT : Luis- / Luis-:"":"":FF6D1D6B511167E500000000000000000000000000000000:261B4DFEDB3BBC143D21C4F15BB8299FBA974901C5DB19CC:DD3291B8FA111B98  (
(I have modified the numbers here, of course, so they are not entirely real)
Now, which one of those three numbers separated by ":" should theorically be sent to hashcat?
And what hash type must be specified?

I have heard about NTLM hashes are sent with LM hashes too. And some docs say the hash are MD4, anothers MD5... etc. Furthermore, I remember LM hashes were splitted each 7 corresponding characters of the original password. So I am asking this instead of just running hashcat.

Messages In This Thread
RE:How to extract a hash(VNC, SSH2 or SMB)from a WireShark capture file: manual way - by SopalajoArrierez - 03-20-2013, 08:20 PM