(04-11-2013, 07:33 PM)Hash-IT Wrote: ...From what little I know of this problem I think it is just because atom cannot work out how to do it...
atom Wrote:I did some tests. For example, due to its caching architecture, if we want to support 64 char passwords with oclHashcat-plus it will require 16gb host memory. Otherwise it wont start. The speed dropped from ~ 3000Mhash/s to ~ 1800Mhash/s. If we choose to support 32 char only its 8gb host memory and ~2400Mhash/s.That's from the topic I mentioned. I'll need a pass with fixed and known lenght between 55-58
I saw that the character limit has already been increased recently to 54, 1-4 chars less than I need, so close