Noob here, need help understanding what went wrong

I'm new to Hashcat. I'm using the Hashcat GUI because I'm not too familiar with hashcat itself, and I just want to see how long it would actually take to crack a single MD5 hash from a cisco config here. It's one that I actually made, and I already know the password, which is "cisco", which is the equivalent of $sdf$6978yhg$jnb76sd

I'm trying to get the cracker running properly but I can not for the life of me figure out what I'm doing wrong. The error that I'm always getting after hashcat starts running is

Skipping line: $sdf$6978yhg$jnb76sd (line length exception), I've checked the forums and made sure that the cracker is pointing to my text file with my hash above, and am using a dictionary file with the password in it, but no matter how I config hashcat, it always gives me this error above. I'm using the config of "md5crypt, MD5(Unix), Freebsd MD5, Cisco IOS MD5" which seems ideal since I'm dealing with a Cisco hash.

I'm not really sure how to make this work, but maybe the hash generated by my cisco device is shorter than what hashcat can work with? I've checked and double checked the text file and there are no trailing space before or after my hash. I'm pretty stumped and would appreciate some help?

Messages In This Thread
Noob here, need help understanding what went wrong - by jambajuicer103 - 06-25-2013, 10:08 AM