good wordlist / rules for WPA?
Hi guys, I am assuming this question has been asked before in different ways so please forgive me if it has. I couldn't find 1 when I looked for it...
I am looking to use a good English wordlist. I will use the wordlist to crack wpa keys and add some rules. The rules I want to add is playing with the capital letters and also attach a 1-4 digit number at the end or beginng along with random numbers in between and special chars running through as well.

There was a lot of rules in the hashcat suite but due to my lack of experience I wanted to get opinions on which one is best for wpa type passwords? As it requires minimal 8 chars.

I'm thinking of using the rockyou rule. Good idea? Bad idea? It seems to have a lot of rules in it.

Please offer your suggestions or if this has already been answered a quick link to the answer. Thanks!

and thanks for the haschatocl I used to use pyrit but it can't match with the rule based and features of hashcat. So thanks alot guys. Btw it runs great on Fedora 19 with rpmfusion repo the catalyst 13.8 is very easily configured with kernel headers and the kernel 3.10...


Messages In This Thread
good wordlist / rules for WPA? - by xcoder - 09-10-2013, 08:28 AM
RE: good wordlist / rules for WPA? - by atom - 09-10-2013, 09:50 AM
RE: good wordlist / rules for WPA? - by xcoder - 09-10-2013, 08:03 PM