clGetDeviceIDs() -1 while running oclHashcat
Hi, I'm currently running Ubuntu Server 12.04.3 and am trying to get oclHashcat to work. I followed this guide:

I'm using the Catalyst 13.8 beta driver and am using one HD 7990. I'm SSHing to the remote machine from an Ubuntu VM.

Running this command: cat example.dict | ./oclHashcat-plus64.bin -m 400 example400.hash

returns this error:
No protocol specified
No protocol specified
ERROR: clGetDeviceIDs() -1

If anyone could help it would be much appreciated. Disclaimer - my Linux skills are questionable and hashcat experience nonexistent.

Messages In This Thread
clGetDeviceIDs() -1 while running oclHashcat - by bliss - 10-08-2013, 09:57 PM