[solved] Win7-64 crash Lists to blame?
It is very difficult for us to reproduce... I for instance do not understand if this wordlist is a personal wordlist of you or it is one of the .word files in /examples/ .

Could you please explain how we could reproduce this problem?
If it is a dictionary you don't want to share (the whole one, for instance)... you could try to reduce the size of the dictionary to a bare minimum to understand at which point it doesn't crash anymore...

For instance if the dict has 1000 lines, cut it in half.... and try w/ first 500 and afterwards second 500, if it crashes w/ one of those you must investigate that part in more detail.... repeat this steps (halfing and checking) until it doesn't crash anymore....

As far as I understand you are mostly 100% sure that it doesn't depend on hash type (did you try different hash types, single hash/multi hashes etc?) but it only depends on what is the content of the dictionary.

So the only thing we could do to fix this problem, is to understand what e.g word or sequence or words/chars causes this problem....

Could you please make above test (reducing the dict to the bare minimum)?

Messages In This Thread
RE: Win7-64 crash Lists to blame? - by Dinarius - 12-10-2013, 12:22 AM
RE: Win7-64 crash Lists to blame? - by philsmd - 12-10-2013, 12:52 AM
RE: Win7-64 crash Lists to blame? - by Dinarius - 12-10-2013, 01:40 AM
RE: Win7-64 crash Lists to blame? - by philsmd - 12-10-2013, 08:18 PM