Can I use ocl-hashcat with an Intel 256mb graphic card?
(02-06-2014, 05:31 PM)rakshit2207 Wrote: if I can use it with this Graphic Card:
Intel 82945G express family. Total GPU memory: 256MB

No. Only NVidia or ATI cards are supported.
Intel has started to support OpenCL only recently and oclHashcat doesn't support it even with the newest cards.
To be honest, your card is very shitty so it would probably be slower than the CPU even if it was supported.

If you have a good CPU, you might try hashcat (not oclhashcat), that thing can crack hashes on CPU.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Can I use ocl-hashcat with an Intel 256mb graphic card? - by curlyboi - 02-06-2014, 05:35 PM