litecoin wallet
I definitely wouldn't mind. I've got two old wallets that could use a good smashing. They've not got more than 100 bucks in aggregate so I'm in no real rush, although I would like to have my money back at some point!

I just noticed JTR supports Bitcoin though so I'm gonna check that out as well, just

git clone -b bleeding-jumbo git:// JohnTheRipper

and make.

then: /run/john wallet.hash --format=bitcoin --wordlist=lostwallet.txt

also, --fork=n to select # of cores.


I should note I'm personally only interested in Bitcoin not Litecoin (although the algos may be virtually identical).

Messages In This Thread
litecoin wallet - by holmgang - 01-27-2014, 02:02 PM
RE: litecoin wallet - by mastercracker - 01-27-2014, 03:44 PM
RE: litecoin wallet - by atom - 01-29-2014, 11:02 AM
RE: litecoin wallet - by c4p0ne - 02-16-2014, 01:54 AM