No need for two occurences of x in your charset or any for that matter unless it's the opposite case.
Say your pass you set was 12345678, use this as your charset it should crack near enough instantly, if not i'd look at your re-capturing the handshake.
Run test:
oclHashcat64.exe -m 2500 -a 3 -1 12345678 Deepspace.hccap ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1
Say your pass you set was 12345678, use this as your charset it should crack near enough instantly, if not i'd look at your re-capturing the handshake.
Run test:
oclHashcat64.exe -m 2500 -a 3 -1 12345678 Deepspace.hccap ?1?1?1?1?1?1?1?1