Optimizing dictionary attacks
Hey. I've already done a bit of looking around, but nothing's helped me so far. I'm wondering if/how it's possible to increase my GPU usage whilst running dictionary attacks.

I have a 780 Ti. When running an attack on a plain MD5 with an ~800mb dictionary, my GPU usage sits at around 20% and my GPU's temperature doesn't move around much. I've tried messing with --gpu-loops / --gpu-accel etc but they don't really seem to be doing much. I'm only getting ~11800 kH/s, and correct me if I'm wrong, but I think I should be getting a lot higher than that.

Any help appreciated, thanks.

EDIT: I'm pretty sure the only way to fully optimize your GPU whilst running dictionary attacks is to run them with a rule or run a hybrid attack etc. You can close this. Sorry.

Messages In This Thread
Optimizing dictionary attacks - by TS - 05-07-2014, 10:42 PM
RE: Optimizing dictionary attacks - by epixoip - 05-08-2014, 02:47 AM