Easy way to beat Hashcat? Does oclHashcat support ASCII [NULL]
(07-03-2014, 07:54 AM)epixoip Wrote: no, oclhashcat supports the full 0x00-0xff range. but i'm not sure you can get oclHashcat to read a null character from an hcchar file since getline(3) is null-terminated. (edit: actually no, it does indeed read a null character from a hcchar file just fine.)

normally if you want to use null in a custom charset, you need to use --hex-charset. you can also use $HEX[00] in a wordlist, or use --hex-wordlist.

Hi epixoip!

Thank's for your time.
I'm in work for the next 9 hours, otherwise I'd try to answer these questions myself by testing.

>normally if you want to use null in a custom charset, you need to use --hex-charset.

So my command here:
cudaHashcat64.exe -a 3 -m 4500 REAL.hash -1 ?d?u -2 NULL.hcchr ?1?2?1?2?1?2

Do I need to add in :

cudaHashcat64.exe -a 3 -m 4500 --hex-charset REAL.hash -1 ?d?u -2 NULL.hcchr ?1?2?1?2?1?2

For my tests I've been putting the ACTUAL value 0 in NULL.hcchr.
Instead, should I be using the ASCII hex representation: 00 ? (x30x30)

I found the answer for --hex-charset! I can use ascii hex for the charset file. Cool! =)
It prompts the question... I wonder what happened when I didn't include that switch, and the charset file contents contained the [null].. Hmmm.

--hex-charset: Tells oclHashcat-lite that our charset is given in hex

Again, thank you - I appreciate the chance to learn lots!

Messages In This Thread
RE: Easy way to beat Hashcat? Does oclHashcat support ASCII [NULL] - by SarahC - 07-03-2014, 10:21 AM