Using WPA2 DK PSK (derrived Key) instead of 4Way Handshake
undeath, you're right, apologies.

What I was trying to say is it's stored as a WPA2 PSK, so the underlying hash function is HMAC-SHA1.

I'm trying to understand why there is no PBKDF2 handler for this, is there more complexity than i've considered to the implementation that just makes it unfeasible? or is it just a feature that never made the cut?

Either way, I'm trying to follow the RFC's for the four way handshake to understand if, armed with the hash already, I could create a four way handshake capture which hashcat would be happy with. Can you think of any reason this wouldn't be physically possible?


Messages In This Thread
RE: Using WPA2 DK PSK (derrived Key) instead of 4Way Handshake - by TrX - 09-03-2014, 01:46 AM