Performance / GeForce GTX 760
I am running 1x NVIDIA GeForce GTX 760 and want to share my speed results. What do you say about these values?

OS: Windows 8.1 Pro x64


Wordlist attack on cudaHashcat (MD5): 560 MH/s

Bruteforce attack on cudaHashcat (MD5): 1480 MH/s

Messages In This Thread
Performance / GeForce GTX 760 - by X-Attack! - 09-05-2014, 05:47 AM
RE: Performance / GeForce GTX 760 - by Rolf - 09-05-2014, 05:56 AM
RE: Performance / GeForce GTX 760 - by epixoip - 09-05-2014, 10:13 AM