ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 301 - Arch Linux - cudaHashcat64.bin V1.31
Hi Undeath,

The archive has been properly extracted with:

7za e cudaHashcat-1.31.7z

b07045784ec7f4913293ea2cc6eac5ca  cudaHashcat-1.31.7z

Is there an other way I should extract the file?

The 7z file is a 7-zip archive data, version 0.3. The 7za e command will properly extract these types of files.

Any other ideas?

Thanks for the reply

Messages In This Thread
RE: ERROR: cuModuleLoad() 301 - Arch Linux - cudaHashcat64.bin V1.31 - by b789820 - 10-19-2014, 07:30 PM