10-29-2014, 07:01 PM
So with 64bit Ubuntu I get a kernel panic whilst booting even with 2 cards plugged in if one of them is plugged in to the short pcie1x slot.
It seems that the system will never boot if any of the short pcie slots are used.
Additionally I have tried booting 2 of the cards with the 750w power supply and 2 others on my 1300w powersupply and provided I don't use any of the short pcie slots it boots and benchmarks with oclhashcat without an issue.
Also I've tried only connecting one single GPU to the 750w power supply which should power it just fine and if its the 5th card I add the system still won't boot. If I change nothing else but just unplug one of my cards from the mobo (making the total 4 running cards) it boots without issue and benchmarks fine.
I can't see why the pcie short slots seem to be doing this.. I'm honestly running out of ideas short of trying another motherboard.
So with 64bit Ubuntu I get a kernel panic whilst booting even with 2 cards plugged in if one of them is plugged in to the short pcie1x slot.
It seems that the system will never boot if any of the short pcie slots are used.
Additionally I have tried booting 2 of the cards with the 750w power supply and 2 others on my 1300w powersupply and provided I don't use any of the short pcie slots it boots and benchmarks with oclhashcat without an issue.
Also I've tried only connecting one single GPU to the 750w power supply which should power it just fine and if its the 5th card I add the system still won't boot. If I change nothing else but just unplug one of my cards from the mobo (making the total 4 running cards) it boots without issue and benchmarks fine.
I can't see why the pcie short slots seem to be doing this.. I'm honestly running out of ideas short of trying another motherboard.