wordlist recommendation for rule-based attack
Some research into human password habits like appending 198x, 19xx, 2014, 2015 to the words with a rule for example, would help out in this case.

Also scouring the web for some more password lists and then using "sort", assuming you are on linux, to strip out all the duplicates (and words <8 characters for WPA). You can also use "cewl" to harvest unique <8 character words from websites if your target is a company. You can use "crunch" to create your own password list too.

These things will give you an overall higher quality list to work with. You can also sell some stuff laying around you don't need on Craigslist and use that money to buy an additional GPU cutting your time in half and "best bang for you buck". Maybe borrow another GPU from a friend. Maybe the extra GPU you did buy has a return policy of 30 days or 90 days and it didn't suit your needs or it became defective and you had to return it (just kidding, don't abuse this)

Messages In This Thread
RE: wordlist recommendation for rule-based attack - by logistix111 - 02-19-2015, 11:50 PM